What Are Examples of Good Leadership Skills?

Communication is just one of many core competencies crucial to success in modern leadership. Referred to as “soft skills,” these valuable qualities allow leaders to motivate and engage with team members from a variety of backgrounds, all while helping to align their individual goals and intentions with the overarching organizational objectives.

Other critical skills that play into effective leadership include:

Strategic Thinking

Rational and intentional, strategic thinking involves a thorough analysis of the myriad variables that might influence any given decision and its eventual outcomes. This mindset often strives to challenge conventional ways of thinking, replacing these with a more creative, nuanced, and purpose-driven approach.


Leaders can only accomplish so much on their own. They need to understand which team members are best suited to each task—and delegate them accordingly. There is no room for micromanaging in modern leadership; instead, leaders should equip team members with the skills and resources they need before granting them the autonomy to handle important tasks as they see fit.

Interpersonal Skills

Interpersonal skills involve any qualities you rely on when interacting with other people. Also known as social or people skills, these can be difficult to define, but it’s always obvious when they are present, as the person equipped with these skills can navigate a variety of social situations with ease. These traits are not innate but can be developed through conscious effort or focused training.

It is also important that the communication be pleasant, clear and concise. The pleasantness in communicating even the worst makes a lot of difference to the listener & makes the interpersonal relations a lot stronger amongst the team. At the same time, knowing how much to communicate and to whom in your team, is the key. Leaders, to make clones of themselves, tend to use the teaching or the training method. While this is not wrong, it could make the experienced team members feel belittled and unacknowledged.

While we get a chance to hire the best warriors for the team, we also get a chance to keep the belief in their best skills and nurture them. This in turn strengthens the interpersonal skill for leaders.

Leadership and Communication

Leadership and communication are inextricably linked. Effective leadership is not possible unless you are able to convey important information in a way that team members find it compelling. Master the in-demand skill of transparent communication, and you will have the makings of a truly impactful leader.