We’ve seen in depth how a CV can be created in our earlier article.

Since the last decade, slowly yet steadily, e-CV or the Video CV (vCV) is gaining ground rapidly. What goes into the making of a vCV?

  1. Think through: Plan the content in as detailed a way as possible.
  2. Brevity Vs verbosity: 90-150 seconds tops. Be concise and focused.
  3. Presentation: Keep the environment well-lit and clean. Dress like you would for an interview.
  4. Introduction: Apart from your name and current / last position, provide your educational and professional background details as a quick summary.
  5. Highlights: Provide metrics and showcase the achievements that demonstrate your skills / expertise.
  6. Visuals: Include visuals only when absolutely required, and make sure the slides / clips supplement your descriptions.
  7. Personality: Keep the tone conversational and allow your personality to shine through. Maintain eye contact, but natural.
  8. Rehearse: Practice the delivery well. Do a few samples and collect feedback from your close circle of peers / friends / family.
  9. Closing: Summarize your key points, and emphasize on your interest for the opportunity.
  10. Editing: Look out for unnecessary pauses or mistakes and edit them using a professional video editing software. Try and enhance the overall quality of the video.
  11. Sharing: Use the vCV only for positions that encourage / allow multimedia applications. Also, upload it to professional platforms like LinkedIn / Vimeo (Interactive Video Experience Platform) for better coverage.

Watch this space for more…