Why does one need ‘feedback’? Can’t an employee just work right without having to be ‘fed back’ where they’re going wrong or how they can make it better?
Companies typically provide a product or a service or a hybrid of these. All these require processes. Most processes are methods that have been designed to be efficient. While certain industries automate their processes, especially in engineering sectors, other industries cannot follow suit due to the limitations of requiring a human input.
While there are various ‘levels’ of errors, most processes are designed in a way that there are checks and balances to increase quality and productivity while also reducing errors and inefficiencies. An inexperienced employee will be more prone to making errors and it becomes the responsibility of the subject matter expert or the team leader / manager to guide the employee towards quality and efficiency. Even after extensive training, employees tend to make errors. Hence, feedback.
A feedback is not a yelling or a blasting ceremony!! It is a process where the errors and/or shortcomings of an employee is closely monitored and is communicated transparently, methodically, so that s/he can make a positive change. When done right, a feedback empowers an employee and in turn the organisation. When mishandled, a feedback has the power to throw an employee off-balance and even destroy a career.
Learning to both receive and provide feedback is a non-negotiable skill for a truly effective manager.