SJ Mobilità – Blog

June 1, 2020

Are you validating the Consulate Cover Letter?

Filed under: Visa — jani @ 6:59 am

Cover letter is a supporting document provided to the consulate while filing the business visa application. This is slightly different from other letters like HR letter/employment letter.

When you are submitting any document to the consulate, do understand it’s purpose.

Do keep the below pointers while preparing the cover letter

• Brief details about the company, it can include the latest achievements (Many of the consular officers may not know about your company)
• Employee Details (Name {As per the Passport}, Date of Joining, Designation, Travel Start and End Date, Location of Visit, Purpose & Sponsoring Entity)
• Local HR SPOC details (A person who can verify the details mentioned in the documents provided to the consulate)
• Giving Guarantee – (Taking responsibility) which is to ensure the employee returns back as per the expected return date and ensuring employee doesn’t overstay in the destination country

Every single document submitted to the consulate should ensure it gives as much as details as possible to the consular officers which would make the officer easier, to make the right decision.

If you need any support in preparing the right consular documents, do reach out to

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