SJ Mobilità – Blog

July 1, 2020

Why should you Re-Validate before Signing the Visa Application

Filed under: Visa — jani @ 6:07 pm

This is an article for all those who have assistants to help you out with your application like corporate honchos/celebrities. Many of the times I have noticed that you sign the application but don’t verify whether the application details are filled out correctly by your assistants.

Mostly we have seen that the Previous Travel or Rejection history of the applicant gets missed out or is incorrect. Even though the mistake is not intentional, if the application is submitted with incorrect details it can get you banned. There is no apology or sorry that will help you to get the ban revoked.

To give an example, Once there was a top management employee whose application got rejected because he didn’t disclose that his previous application for the same country had been rejected earlier. His secretary filled up the form. She wasn’t aware of the fact and missed disclosing the previous rejection details. During the verification of the application the consulate found evidence of the earlier rejection and his application got rejected again due to incorrect/false information being provided.

My advice, please fill up your application by yourself, if not at least verify the details before signing if it is filled by someone else. When you sign the application, you are certifying that you have checked that the application details are correct, accurate and no false details are provided. Treat it like a legal contract, you would never sign a contract without reading it and the same is the case with your application.

If you need any help, am just an e-mail away, do reach out to me at

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