SJ Mobilità – Blog

June 15, 2020

Employment Letter for the Consulate

Filed under: Visa — jani @ 8:03 am

The Employment letter is a document which is submitted to the consulate while filing the visa application. It is a supporting letter given to the consulate in case they need a letter from the employer. The only purpose of the letter is to show the proof of employment.

Do keep the below pointers while preparing the letter:

* Details (Name {As per the Passport}, Date of Joining and Current Designation)

* Salary details (Annual salary can be mentioned)

* Local HR SPOC details (A person who can verify the details mentioned in the documents provided to the consulate)

If the employee has resigned and serving notice, ensure to mention the same in the letter as well. It always helps to give as much detail as possible to the consular officers and be transparent with the application details

If you need any further support in preparing the right consular documents, reach out to

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